
From Twitter 04-08-2011

  • 10:04:24: One more day till weekend. Fridays are slow, so I'm taking advantage of it by cleaning my desk. Amazing the crap you can find doing that...
  • 10:55:42: @zarffyn You gave her the courtesy of giving notice - IMHO she has no right to complain. Never understood why some managers were that way.
  • 11:00:11: @KristenBays Bacon... maple... sundae? o_O
  • 11:01:52: @sfpanda And the same to you! After this week, I think everyone around here is ready for today...
  • 12:26:13: @KristenBays Hmmm - they're building a Denny's up the hill from my house - may have to try it. Ice cream and bacon just sounds odd, though.
  • 12:28:09: @dsobkowiak Actually, yes. For example, when we update IT policy and e-mail everyone to notify them of the change...
  • 12:29:35: @dsobkowiak They're like "why didn't you tell me?" I did - in e-mail. "Well, I don't read email, so how am I supposed to know?" *facepalm*
  • 12:49:34: @dsobkowiak I have a device for dealing with "issues" like that. I call it a cluestick. You're welcome to borrow it anytime... :-)
  • 12:52:02: Warm, windy and dry outside. Not a good combination. It's like a freakin' tinderbox waiting to go up. Please, no one light up... :-P
  • 18:59:55: @NathanFillion Pilot G2 bold gel pens FTW...

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From Twitter 03-15-2011

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